gather in the feasting hall @ Buittle Castle, for a rare opportunity to dine like you are in the seven kingdoms!
sample the original culinary creations of francis Halpin, game of thrones’ home economist.
Francis will replicate her stunning range of cuisines from across the Seven Kingdoms and beyond. From the sumptuous delicacies enjoyed in the halls of power at King’s Landing, to the warm and smoky comfort foods of the frozen North, to the rich, exotic fare of the mysterious lands east of Westeros, there’s a flavour for every palate .
Ever wonder what it’s like to attend a feast at Winterfell? Wish you could split a lemon cake with Sansa Stark, scarf down a pork pie with the Night’s Watch, or indulge in honeyfingers with Daenerys Targaryen? George R. R. Martin’s bestselling saga A Song of Ice and Fire and the runaway hit HBO series Game of Thrones are renowned for bringing Westeros’s sights and sounds to vivid life. But one important ingredient has always been missing: the mouth-watering dishes that form the backdrop of this extraordinary world. Now, fresh out of the series that redefined fantasy, comes the creator of these incredible dishes herself, straight from the set, as she prepares a GoT feast - just for you!
this is a themed immersive experience: with costumed characters, entertainment, 7 course GoT themed Feast - feel free to dress to impress the goT way, for winter is coming, and the people are hungry for more than just food!
£150 / £100 per ticket
Kings Landing Package ( 1 available ):
4 Feast tickets & 2 x B&B Rooms for 1 night @ Buittle Castle, inc breakfast = £900
Westeros Package ( 1 Available ):
2 Feast tickets & 1 night B&B @ Buittle Castle, inc breakfast = £400
Wildlings Package ( 7 Available ):
6 Feast tickets = £800